How to Add Flying Twitter Bird Widget in Blog | Blogger | Softwares | Androids


How to Add Flying Twitter Bird Widget in Blog

Social widgets are important for a blog.It has many features.Today i will tell you how to add flying twitter bird in a blog.It will increase your blog look.So lets start it.

How to Add Flying Twitter Bird in Blog:
Follow below steps to add it.
  • Go to Blogger.Login to account.
  • In Dashboard section go to Layout>>Add a Gadget .
  • Now choose HTML/JavaSCRIPT.
  • Paste below code in it.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">
var twitterAccount = "
Enter Your Twitter Id Name ";
var tweetThisText = "";
</script><noscript><span style="font-size:11px;">Flying Twitter Bird Widget By <a href="">Aptech</a></span></noscript>
  • Now replace Highlighted Word with your own one.
  • Save it!!You have done.
So guyz you have done it.
If you stuck!!Fell free to ask!!
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I am a Electronic Engineer from Pakistan. Mostly i love to play tricks with HTML ,JavaScript and Android Developnment. Moreover i run 2 blogs from 2012-still.Blogging is my passion and i believe i am doing very good in this field.Follow me at Facebook and at twitter
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